
1. Brows A legend or folk 

2. Read it and comprehenth about it 

3. Make a dialog with your friend related the story' or a legend after browsing it 

4. Dialog based on the story' a.Oriention b.Conflct c. Resolution d.Moral Value

 5. Make your script that you make it in infografist of PTT 6. Send link about in the classroom

                            Golden Cucumber

# Orientasi

Ajam : who is the main character in the golden cucumber story

 Naufal: Golden Cucumber

Ajam : When did the Golden Cucumber story happen

 Naufal : long ago in early 1993 

Ajam : where did the golden cucumber story come from

 naufa:from Java that is Central Java.

# Conflict start

Ajam: how did the conflict start?

 Naufal: mbok sirni who is married but has not yet got a child, he always prays for a child.

# Conflict Midel

Ajam: And do you know the middle conflict?

 Naufal : It has been years since the golden cucumber has grown into a beautiful and kind little girl but her mother is not calm and keeps thinking about when the giant will take the golden cucumber.

# Conflict Top

Ajam : How did the conflict finally culminate?

 Naufal: the hungry giant came back to take the golden cucumber as food but mbok Sirni was not willing and told the golden cucumber to run away and bring a gift from a smart person to protect him.

# Resolution

Ajam: By the way, how will the story of golden cucumber eh

Naufal:The giant didn't get the golden cucumber he was stuck in.  swamp and drown in the mud.

# Moral Value

 Ajam: What is the moral message that can be taken from the story of Golden Cucumber?

 Naufal: don't give up easily, keep trying and find a solution because God will definitely help.

By: Ajam Wirat Moko

Class: IX-8


By: Naufal Hayan Nugraha 

Class: IX-8



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